The20MillionDollarPagecom launches the most expensive pixel site
Released on = January 18, 2006, 9:16 pm
Press Release Author = Shane- The 20 Million Dollar Man
Industry = Advertising
Press Release Summary = They are charging $20 per pixel, but they are giving away a free Ferrari 360 Spider.
Press Release Body = launches today
The most expensive pixel ads site launches today and experiences it\'s first 350 visitors.
The new spinoff milliondollarhomepage website,, lauches today to a flood of new visitors. The new site is giving away some high ticket items through the sale of front page pixel ads. The items referred to as \"FREE STUFF\" on the site includes a new Ferrari 360 Coupe, free rolex watches, free trips to Europe, and $10,000 shopping sprees. Entry to get this \"free stuff\" is also free and only involves entering your name and email. All winners are notified by email and have 48 hours to respond to the winning emails. The sites host, The 20 Million Dollar Man, insists that the site is for real and has every intention to give away the prizes listed above. \"I don\'t even need the money, I\'m already doing just some pixels, sign up to get free stuff, or get lost\", says The 20 Million Dollar Man. The site is selling ads by the pixel on the front page of the site for $20 per pixel. Yes, you read that right $20 per pixel. As this does sound like a high price to pay for pixel advertising, The Million Dollar Man says, \"it is a great deal for pixels on the front page of site that will be seen by millions for the next 7 years. Advertisers on the milliondollarhomepage got a bargain.\" If the traffic is as astronomical as proclaimed, will be a success. Though $20 per pixel would seem like a steep price to pay for pixels, if the traffic continues, a smart company could make their money back in a couple months.
Giving away a free ferrari 360 sounds a little out there, but through the power and reach of the internet anything is possible. The20milliondollarpage is of to a very good start and should attract plenty of visitors just based on the sites content.
Web Site =
Contact Details = Shane- The 20 Million Dollar Man Ft.Lauderdale, FL
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